DDC Beton

We produce ready-mixed concrete at nearly 50 locations, offering our customers a wide range of products.

More about us

DDC Beton

Countrywide presence

Offering a wide range of products, we serve at the highest possible standard, no matter where you are in the country. Continuous and balanced supply of raw materials for our concrete plants is ensured by DDC's cement and aggregates business lines. We have a strong and reliable background, in addition to the production of ready-mixed concrete, our services also include delivery to the site and delivery with a concrete pump and concreting heron.

Contact us!
Concrete Plants

Introducing the next generation of cement and concrete

In addition to providing excellent quality and durability, evoBuild enables a lower environmental footprint during its production.

Concrete products
A Beton Technológia Centrum Kft. (rövidítve BTC) adalékanyag-, frissbeton- és megszilárdult betonvizsgálatokat végez az építőipari kivitelező cégek, betonüzemek részére. Akkreditált laboratóriumai Budapesten, Dunaújvárosban és Debrecenben találhatóak.
Beton Technológia Centrum

We help you calculate!

To start calculating the recommended amount of concrete, please click on the concrete mixer and enter the required parameters.

DDC Betonüzem

Digital Delivery Note

We are among the first to introduce the digital delivery note on the market based on a unique development!

DDC betonozó gém

Concreting heron

Our device makes transporting ready-mix concrete with a concrete pump much easier.